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Awesome game!

Oh, while we're at it, here's a suggestion for improvement: The game was obviously developed for emulator users. On a real C64 with a CRT monitor, the goods symbols are very difficult to distinguish. Perhaps it would be possible to integrate an alternative mode that fixes this problem? Many thanks in advance! :)


The game has been tested on real hardware, but not everyone is using a CRT. I have one but it's not working properly anymore. So it's difficult to decide wheter a display problem is caused by bad hardware or bad visual design :-) It would be difficult to add such an option at this point. But i will consider it. Depends on how we handle the bug you reported.


I checked the options to make an adjustment. Unfortunately, all of the adjustments that I would consider would not be possible to implement with reasonable effort. Therefore there will be no change here. In the future, we will pay more attention to readability on older monitors.


While playing, we noticed an annoying bug that could be described as follows:

As soon as the event with the fortune teller occurs with a human player (2nd player prefered), there is a chance (in 10 games we had this happen 3 times) that the game gets stuck in an infinite queue. Where the action menu is, you will only see an hourglass and that's it. You can then only reset the C64 and restart the game. It would be nice if this bug could be removed. Thank you!

Otherwise it's a great multiplayer game! :)

Thank you for your feedback :-) I will try to reproduce the problem, but this will take some time. Was the match started with CPU players too, or just human players?

The bug occurred in both situations - in the game with 2 human players and no cpu and 2 human players with 2 additional cpu players. However, the bug occurs only if this is the human players turn and only with the fortune teller event.

I would like to give you a quick update. I was able to reproduce the bug and to identify the problem. 

The reproduction is: You play with at least two human players. Human player 1 ends his turn on the move. An event occurs and human player 2 starts it's turn at a city. Human player 2 is stuck now. 

The bug appears with any event. There is no way to avoid that bug by adding computer players. The only chance to avoid it is to play without events of course.

I have created a fix and will release a new version the next days, after carefully testing the change.

Sounds great! Thank you for the quick response. :)

Thank you for helping to remove this bug :-) I already found some time today to test the fix and everthing looks fine to me. I made a new version and replaced the download file.

Good, interesting game and great music. I also added it to my new "Gameplay of New C64 Games from May 2024" video.

Thank you for mentioning our game in your video.

What a great game. A friend of mine played it:

Thank you very much for the positive feedback and the video.

You're welcome.

(1 edit)

Great ๐Ÿ˜Š

Greetings ๐Ÿ˜Š

Retro Chlop 

K&A PLUS Team โœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜Ž



Good job!